<?php /** * @file ManipulateFiles.inc.php * @category freeSN * @mailto code [at] netz.coop * @version 0.4.200901 * @link http://netz.coop * * @copyright Copyright by netz.coop e.G. 2015 * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ class ManipulateFiles { protected $var_exists; protected $var_fpath; protected $var_fdescript; protected $var_filedir; static public $ary_succesfullLinks=array(); public function __construct($param_filedir) { $this->var_filedir = $param_filedir; } public function fileputs($param_name, $param_content,$param_showurl=null) { $this->checkpath('./'.$this->var_filedir.'/'.$param_name); if($this->var_exists == true) { $this->fileopen4a(); }else { $this->fileopen4w(); if($param_showurl === 1) { $string_suc = '<a href='.$this->var_filedir.$param_name.'> '.$param_name.'</a> ' ; self::$ary_succesfullLinks[] = $string_suc; } } $var_size =strlen($param_content); fwrite($this->var_fdescript,$param_content,$var_size); fflush($this->var_fdescript); $this->fileclose(); } public function filegets($param_name, $param_content=null) { $this->checkpath('./'.$this->var_filedir.'/'.$param_name); if($this->var_exists) { $var_content = ''; $this->fileopen4r(); while(!feof($this->var_fdescript)) { $var_content .= fread($this->var_fdescript,filesize ($this->var_fpath)); } $this->fileclose(); return $var_content; } } protected function checkpath($var_fpath) { $this->var_exists = false; $this->var_fpath = $var_fpath; if(file_exists($var_fpath)) { echo "Path: True ".$var_fpath; $this->var_exists = true; }else{ echo "Path: False ".$var_fpath; echo " CWD: ". getcwd()."\n"; } } protected function fileopen4r() { $this->var_fdescript = fopen($this->var_fpath,'r'); } protected function fileopen4w() { $this->var_fdescript = fopen($this->var_fpath,'w'); } protected function fileopen4a() { $this->var_fdescript = fopen($this->var_fpath,'a'); } protected function fileclose() { fclose($this->var_fdescript); } } ?>