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class mcFile {

	 * @param string $param_filename
	 * @param string $param_text
	 * @param string $param_kindof -- r|r+|w|w+|a|a+ @see
	 *					r - ptr at the beginning
	 *					w - ptr at the beginning and file size 0
	 *					a - ptr at the end
	 * @return bool
	public static function write($param_filename, $param_text, $param_kindof = null) {
		if($param_filename && $param_text) {
			if($param_kindof === null) {
				$param_kindof = 'a';
			try {
				@$var_file = fopen($param_filename,$param_kindof);

				if ($var_file === false) {
					return false;
				} else {
					fputs($var_file, $param_text);
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//					fputs($var_file, mcCONST::LINEBREAK.mcCONST::LINEBREAK);
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				return true;
			} catch (Exception $e) {
		} else {
			return false;

	public static function getFileContent($param_filename, $param_asString = false) {
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
		if(is_readable($param_filename)) {
			try {
				$handle = fopen ($param_filename, "r");
				$array_content = array();
				while (!feof($handle)) {
					$array_content[] = fgets($handle);
				fclose ($handle);
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
				if($param_asString) {
					$filecontent_string = '';
					foreach($array_content as $line) {
						$filecontent_string .= $line;
					return $filecontent_string;
				} else {
					return $array_content;

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			} catch (Exception $e) {
				return false;
		} else {
			return Error::newError('DevError', 'file could not read', $param_code);
69 70

	public static function deleteFile($param_filename) {
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		return unlink($param_filename);
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	public static function rename($param_from, $param_to){
	   //file_exists() - Existenz der Datei prüfen
		   return rename($param_from, $param_to);
//		  //copy() - Datei kopieren
//		  if (!copy($from, $to)) {
//			 print ("failed to copy $file...<br>\n");
//		  }
//		  else{
//			 //unlink() - Datei löschen
//			 unlink($from);
//		  }
	   } else {
		   return false;
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	 * erstellt eine temporäre Datei, für weitere Dateimanipulatioin
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	 * @param array $param_outputfile @see mcFile::manipulateOutputfileArray($param_outputfile)
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	 * @return string
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	public static function createTmpFile(array $param_outputfile=null, $param_filepath=null) {
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		if(is_null($param_outputfile)) {
			$param_outputfile = array();
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		mcFile::manipulateOutputfileArray($param_outputfile, $param_filepath);
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		$param_file = tempnam($param_outputfile['dirname'], $param_outputfile['prefix']);
		if($param_outputfile['filenameextension']) {
			$tmp_filename = $param_file.$param_outputfile['filenameextension'];
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			// @todo tempfile auch noch mal überprüfen, das es nicht existiert
			mcFile::rename($param_file, $tmp_filename);			
		return $tmp_filename;
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	 * manipuliert $param_outputfile so das Informationen für die zuerstellende Datei 
	 * für Dateimanipulationen vorliegen
	 * @todo es könnte überprüft werden ob $param_outputfile['dirname'] schreibbar ist
	 * @todo es könnte überprüft werden ob $param_outputfile['filename'] schreibbar ist
	 * @todo filepath könnte alle anderen Werte generieren
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	 * @todo filenameextension muessste extension heissen, so wie bei pathinfo()
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	 * @param array $param_outputfile - array('dirname'=>,'prefix'=>,'filename'=>,'filenameextension'=>, )
	 * @param type $param_filepath - generiert bis jetzt nur dirname
	public static function manipulateOutputfileArray(array &$param_outputfile, $param_filepath=null) {
		if(!array_key_exists('dirname', $param_outputfile)) {
			if(!is_null($param_filepath)) {
				$path_parts = pathinfo($param_filepath);
				$param_outputfile['dirname'] = $path_parts['dirname'].'/';				
			} else {
				$param_outputfile['dirname'] = '/tmp/';
		if(!array_key_exists('prefix', $param_outputfile)) {
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			if(!is_null($param_filepath)) {
				$pathinfo = pathinfo($param_filepath);
				$param_outputfile['prefix'] = $pathinfo['filename'];
			} else {
				$param_outputfile['prefix'] = '';
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		if(!array_key_exists('filename', $param_outputfile))  {
			$param_outputfile['filename'] = '';
		if(!array_key_exists('filenameextension', $param_outputfile)) {
			$param_outputfile['filenameextension'] = '';
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	 * @see
	 * @param type $size
	 * @param type $praefix
	 * @param type $short
	 * @return string
	function binary_multiples($size, $praefix=true, $short= true)

		if($praefix === true)
			if($short === true)
				$norm = array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 
							  'EB', 'ZB', 'YB');
				$norm = array('Byte', 

			$factor = 1000;
			if($short === true)
				$norm = array('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 
							  'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB');
				$norm = array('Byte', 

			$factor = 1024;


		$count = count($norm) -1;

		$x = 0;
		while ($size >= $factor && $x < $count) 
			$size /= $factor; 

	  $size = sprintf("%01.2f", $size) . ' ' . $norm[$x];

		return $size; 

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