 * Created on 27.02.2008
 * To change the template for this generated file go to
 * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates
class Converter{
	private static $LineBreaks = array ("\r", "\r\n", "\n");
	private static $Specials = array (
			'&'	=>	'',
			''	=>	'',
			''	=>	'',
			''	=>	'',
			''	=>	'',
			''	=>	''
			 * Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters for the Database
			 * @param string param_string
			 * @return string
			public static function decodeString($param_string){

				//		if(!is_array($param_string) && !is_object($param_string)) {
				//			$param_string = html_entity_decode($param_string, 1,"UTF-8");
				//			$param_string = addslashes($param_string);
				//		}

				return $param_string;

			 * Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
			 * @param string param_string
			 * @return string
			public static function encodeString($param_string, $param_encode = true){
				if(is_string($param_string)) {
					//		$param_string = strip_tags($param_string);
					//		$param_string = htmlentities($param_string, 1,"UTF-8");
					//		$param_string = trim($param_string);
					$param_string = stripslashes($param_string);
						$param_string = htmlspecialchars($param_string, 2,"UTF-8");
				} else {
					D::li('$param_string has to be string and is '.  gettype($param_string));
				//		if(!is_numeric($param_string)){
				//			$param_string = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($param_string) . "'";
				//		}

				return $param_string;

			public static function StringToUrl($param_Url) {
				return htmlentities($param_Url);
			 * function returns an cleared string/array from line breaks ("\r", "\r\n", "\n")
			 * @param mixed $param_value
			 * @param string $param_replaceWith, default ""
			 * @return mixed - cleared String/array
			public static function replaceLineBreaks($param_value,$param_replaceWith=''){
				$return_value = $param_value;
					foreach($return_value as $key => &$value){
						$value = self::replaceLineBreaks($value,$param_replaceWith);
					$return_value=str_replace(self::$LineBreaks, '', $return_value);
				return $return_value;

