Commit 4e8c5fc3 by vuj

v0.1.4 startscript kill

1 parent 4fe76bd1
Showing with 3 additions and 0 deletions
2018-01-16 v0.1.4 startscript kill
2018-01-16 v0.1.3 USER/DOMAIN/ALIAS select statement
2018-01-16 v0.1.2 BCC select statement
2018-01-16 v0.1.1 kleine fixes README BCC/ALIAS Dropdown
ps -ax --sort=start_time |egrep -i |egrep -v grep| awk '{print $1}'|tac|xargs kill
exec /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/srvcnf2/web/
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