settings.yaml 2.59 KB
# Extension Builder settings for extension anctestextension
# generated 2017-11-08T09:58:00Z
# See


###########    Overwrite settings  ###########
# These settings only apply, if the roundtrip feature of the extension builder
# is enabled in the extension manager
# Usage:
# nesting reflects the file structure
# a setting applies to a file or recursive to all files and subfolders
# merge:
#   means for classes: All properties ,methods and method bodies
#   of the existing class will be modified according to the new settings
#   but not overwritten
#   for locallang xlf files: Existing keys and labels are always
#   preserved (renaming a property or DomainObject will result in new keys and new labels)
#   for other files: You will find a Split token at the end of the file
#   see: \EBT\ExtensionBuilder\Service\RoundTrip::SPLIT_TOKEN
#   After this token you can write whatever you want and it will be appended
#   everytime the code is generated
# keep:
#   files are never overwritten
#   These settings may break the functionality of the extension builder!
#   Handle with care!

############  extension settings  ##############

    Controller: merge
      Model: merge
      Repository: merge

    #TCA merge not possible - use overrides directory
    #TypoScript: keep

      #Language: merge
      #Templates: keep

  ext_icon.gif: keep

#  ext_localconf.php: merge

#  ext_tables.php: merge

#  ext_tables.sql: merge

## use static date attribute in xliff files ##
#staticDateInXliffFiles: 2017-11-08T09:58:00Z

## skip docComment (license header) ##

## list of error codes for warnings that should be ignored ##

######### settings for classBuilder #############################
# here you may define default parent classes for your classes
# these settings only apply for new generated classes
# you may also just change the parent class in the generated class file.
# It will be kept on next code generation, if the overwrite settings
# are configured to merge it


    parentClass: \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController

      parentClass: \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity

      parentClass: \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractValueObject

    parentClass: \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository

  setDefaultValuesForClassProperties: true