Index.rst 2.86 KB

.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -- coding: utf-8 -- with BOM.

Configuration Reference

Technical information: Installation, Reference of TypoScript options, configuration options on system level, how to extend it, the technical details, how to debug it and so on.

Language should be technical, assuming developer knowledge of TYPO3. Small examples/visuals are always encouraged.

Target group: Developers

TypoScript Reference

Possible subsections: Reference of TypoScript options. The construct below show the recommended structure for TypoScript properties listing and description.

Properties should be listed in the order in which they are executed by your extension, but the first should be alphabetical for easier access.

When detailing data types or standard TypoScript features, don't hesitate to cross-link to the TypoScript Reference as shown below. See the :file:`Settings.yml` file for the declaration of cross-linking keys.


Property details


:typoscript:`plugin.tx_extensionkey.allWrap =` :ref:`t3tsref:data-type-wrap`

Wraps the whole item.


:typoscript:`plugin.tx_extensionkey.wrapItemAndSub =` :ref:`t3tsref:data-type-wrap`

Wraps the whole item and any submenu concatenated to it.


:typoscript:`plugin.tx_extensionkey.subst_elementUid =` :ref:`t3tsref:data-type-boolean`

If set, all appearances of the string {elementUid} in the total element html-code (after wrapped in allWrap) are substituted with the uid number of the menu item. This is useful if you want to insert an identification code in the HTML in order to manipulate properties with JavaScript.


Possible subsection: FAQ